E. A. Francis*, E. Sarikhani*, V. Patel, D. P. Meganathan, Z. Jahed, and P. Rangamani: Nanoscale curvature of the plasma membrane regulates mechanoadaptation through nuclear deformation and rupture (biorxiv link).
E. A. Francis*, J. G. Laughlin*, J. S. Dokken, H. N. T. Finsberg, C. T. Lee, M. E. Rognes, and P. Rangamani: Spatial modeling algorithms for reactions and transport (SMART) in biological cells (biorxiv link). Accepted Nat. Comp. Sci.
E. A. Francis, P. Rangamani: Computational modeling establishes mechanotransduction as a potent entrainment cue for the mammalian circadian clock. J. Cell Sci., Sept 2024,
E. A. Francis and P. Rangamani: Particle-based simulations shed light on cytoskeleton-membrane dynamics in phagocytosis. Biophys J. (commentary), May 2024,
J. G. Laughlin, J. S. Dokken, H. N. T. Finsberg, E. A. Francis, C. T. Lee, M. E. Rognes, P. Rangamani. SMART: Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reaction and Transport. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(90), 5580, Oct 2023,
E. Boero, R. D. Gorham Jr., E. A. Francis, J. Brand, L. Teng, D. J. Doorduijn, M. Ruyken, C. Lehmann, A. Verschoor, K.P.M. van Kessel, V. Heinrich, and S.H.M. Rooijakkers, “Purified complement C3b triggers phagocytosis and activation of human neutrophils via Complement receptor 1”, Scientific Reports, Jan 2023,
E. A. Francis, H. Xiao, L. Teng, and V. Heinrich, “Mechanisms of frustrated phagocytic spreading of human neutrophils on antibody-coated surfaces”, Biophysical Journal, Dec 2022,
E. A. Francis and V. Heinrich, “Integrative experimental/computational approach establishes cellular protrusion as the primary driving force of phagocytic spreading by immune cells”, PLOS Computational Biology, Aug 2022,
E. A. Francis and V. Heinrich, “Mechanistic understanding of single-cell behavior is essential for transformative advances in biomedicine”, The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Sept. 2018, 91(3):279-289.
E. A. Francis and V. Heinrich, “Extension of chemotactic pseudopods by nonadherent human neutrophils does not require or cause calcium bursts”, Science Signaling, Mar 2018, 11(521):eaal4289.
V. Heinrich, W.D. Simpson, and E. A. Francis, “Analytical prediction of the spatiotemporal distribution of chemoattractants around their source: theory and application to complement-mediated chemotaxis”, Frontiers of Immunology, May 2017, 8:578.
E. A. Francis and V. Heinrich, “Quantifying the sensitivity of human immune cells to chemoattractant”, Biophysical Journal, Mar 2017, Vol. 112, Iss. 5, p834-837.
*Indicates shared first author position.